Content Marketing for Dispensaries

Marijuana Content Promotion

Content marketing is a very important aspect of digital marketing. In a context where the emergent marijuana industry is still so new, content has to get smarter and to provide value. It has to provide entertaining and engaging information. To be readable online, cannabis dispensary marketing needs to look different from a brochure or a book. Unlike print, space on your website doesn’t cost more. To make your content easier to read you can break it up and spread it all out. This is the way search engines like it too.

Since the attention span of people is just a matter of seconds, especially in the marijuana industry, not all paragraphs need at least five sentences. Your content should be engaging to keep your website visitors to use their back button.

Every piece of online content has several components:

• The Headline – this is a key component. Your online visitors will just spend seconds to read your headline. Most of the times, depends on the headline if your visitor stays or leaves. You need to put all your creativity and energy at work in order to create engaging headlines.

• The First Sentence – this is also a very important component of your content. Your first sentence is trying to convince readers to move into the story from the headline.

• The Introductory Paragraph – you need to create interest and curiosity with the introductory paragraph since this is the content copy that sets the story and goes into tags.

• Sub Heads – sub heads have the role to make your content easier to read and follow.

• Main Copy – this is the main story expressed by your content.

• Summary – this content component wraps things up and reminds your readers what they just learned in only a sentence or two.

• Call to Action – this is another key component of content marketing. Always use a call to action even if you are just asking your readers to comment your post.

You have to produce good content for the marijuana industry for SEO, for credibility, and to attract your customers. Many people in the marijuana industry are still beginners in this business world. The industry itself it’s still so new, and beginners need content.

There is the Cannabis Marketing Platform that is designed to expand distribution for commercial marijuana businesses, build brands, and drive traffic. You can take advantage and use high-quality content marketing on this marijuana industry platform. With this marijuana boom, it is expected that the marijuana internet marketing will grow at a fast pace in the future and many niche/designer brands will emerge.

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